In the United States today, the citizens deal with a disease named Ethnic Separation. It's symptoms include: hanging out with your own race, prejudice, false education, and hate marches.
When I was younger, hanging out and just being around children of different races meant nothing to me. We all played the same games like: red-light/green-light, checkers, truth or dare, even connect four. As I grew older, I've noticed that my friends were more African-American and Latino than any other race. It is because of the way parents segregate their children as they grew older. We find it deemable to deal with our own race as if it was a difference between male and female.
I watched the NBC program, Dateline, one night, and saw a story about the treatment of African-Americans in stores like Macy's and the Banana Republic. The store representatives and security guards prejudged African-American as a thief, while saw the Caucasian as qualified as a customer. The Caucasian was actually an NBC intern, the African-American was an executive for an office that dealt with the unfair treatment of people on the basis of color.
In the United States, educational level is the basis of advancement. Unfortunately, children are graduating high school still thinking Christopher Columbus discovered America. The education of this country is false. In a nation that is supposed to be so diversed, students learn more about European history than American history. I find that because of this, Caucasians feel superior for the most part, as other races have a feeling of inferiority. This inferiority factor would soon lead to anger and hate towards Caucasians. The superiority factor give Caucasians hate toward the people whome are attempting to break the chains of false education.
Hate marches has been a thorn in the asses of our society for many years. The recent march in Harlem on September 5th is an example of unity gone wrong. The majority of people that spoke at the demostration talked of hate rather than unity of the hip-hop culture, known to many as Generation X. At the conclusion of this marc, riot-clad police officers appeared. The riot officers took the stage as the audience dispersed to an avalanche of screams and people running all over the place. After a few minutes later, the crowd calmed-down. As I turned my head, a young man talking with his son about the way the police came out. Later, with son on his left arm, he argued with one of the riot-clad offiers mainly about it. A few moments later, another man argued with another officer about color. The officer was Caucasian.
These events are not isolated to New York City, or the United States. So, be prepared to read more about the disease we are all sick from: Ethnic Separation.
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